Questioning and answering

In the past, children were prohibited from asking questions by the views of their family, school, work, and society, and they should not even give an answer that was against their opinion because it would create the possibility of ostracism, punishment, and expulsion or isolation for them.
If so, every human being has questions and answers based on his existence that he must discover, understand and follow in order to know his identity in the universe.
During the learning path of our children at Archchild, the child has the opportunity to ask questions at any moment, and the coach and facilitator provide him with this path. Also, with the questions that come with the personal experience of all the groups that make up the dosage, such as the child, mother, facilitator and coach, they practice responding according to their existence.
The point that he learns on this path is that it is not necessary for everyone to be omniscient, they are not judged and do not judge, they practice acceptance and passing, they know shyness and isolation, and they experience different personal ways of passing through it, and things like that. more information​​​​​​​


collective wisdom

In the past educations and in the society, every person was successful or unsuccessful and used all his efforts to get ahead of others, and the measure of success was and is the failure of others. One of the worst of them was and is participating in the national entrance exam and removing everyone's interests to choose a field of study. In recent learning, there is no comparison except comparing each person with himself.
Currently, group programs are conducted with the participation and empathy of the participants. And all the team is supposed to grow (in education, work, life and society), but we still emphasize that the growth of each person is related to him. But the team, with its awareness, accompanies him in this path and the choice he has made.
In the definition of collective wisdom or collective intelligence, it is the result of the opinions of a group of people instead of an individual. But in Archchild, this is beyond opinions, and the atmosphere created by children, mothers, facilitators, and educators is hidden in wisdom that makes the child and other members excel. Archchild's goal is to explore this space and develop it. more information



In the past decades, it was necessary for one person to be a superhero and save everyone, but in the last two decades, training for becoming a team and teamwork has become very important. So that it is no longer necessary for everyone to know and learn everything.

At Archchild we want to develop the practice of teamwork between children, where everyone can come together with their own abilities and inner selves (with innovative programs). Teaming up children with each other and practicing acceptance of characteristics without judgment and trying to exclude the other and understanding that good and bad do not exist and what is is. and individual efforts for self-development. It's all in the teamwork that Archchild calls for. more information


Innovative program

One of the educational methods that is customary in the society is the use of fixed and result-oriented programs, and the teacher uses all his efforts to bring the child to the result in a certain time.
In Archchild, according to the humanistic approach and understanding that creativity is an individual and internal work and that everyone has different and unique abilities. It is intended to consider the children's educational program for each of them, so that this path can be followed with his ability and growth.
After several coaching courses, the facilitator can recognize the special abilities of each child and suggest the best courses to parents and children. At the same time, this is effective in the working group of each child. more information


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