Kian's course

This course teaches architecture to children
This course consists of eight 45-minute sessions
which is held in four weeks
This course is planned for two age groups: 6 to 10 years and 10 to 12 years
The number of participants is between 8 and 12 people
which is held in person.​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​In this course, children get to know about space, creating space, full and empty space, space cells, movement, basic concepts, in addition to the tools provided by Archild, we also use recycled tools to create space.​​​​​​

Registration deadline is the last week of the previous month

To be held next month

How to register

The capacity is limited. Apply for planning and preparation in the previous month

Kian pirfalak
2013 - November 16, 2022​​​​​​​

A 9-year-old Iranian child living in Izeh in Khuzestan who died on November 16, 2022
Following the attack on Izeh market, during Iran's 1401 uprising, he was shot and killed while in the car with his parents and younger brother on the way back to their home in Izeh.
Archchild and the founder of the #Mehiar_Jihouni collection #for_the_free_children_of_tomorrow, and with the memory of Kian, design his main course in the name of this child. May our children manage our country prosperously, freely and dynamically with creativity.

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